Laparoscopic pyeloplasty

Pyeloplasty is an operation used for obstructive narrowing of the ureter.
It restores the obstructed flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder and prevents the development of kidney damage.

Advantages of laparoscopic pyeloplasty

During laparoscopic surgery, several small incisions are made instead of one large incision.
Laparoscopic surgery, compared to traditional open surgery, causes less tissue trauma, significantly reduces post-operative pain and ensures a faster recovery process. The small incisions also provide a more aesthetic result, with smaller scars.

How is laparoscopic pyeloplasty performed?

The operation takes on average 3-4 hours and is performed under general anaesthesia.
During surgery, the doctor makes 3-5 small incisions through which the camera and surgical instruments are inserted.
The camera allows the doctor to accurately visualise the anatomical structures and the narrowing of the ureter during the operation.
During laparoscopic pyeloplasty, the ureteral stricture is removed by reattaching the healthy parts of the ureter together.
At the end of the operation, a stent or small tube is inserted into the ureter to restore urine flow and facilitate the healing process.
The stent is removed at the doctor’s visit on average 6 weeks after the operation.

Postoperative period

On average, you need to stay in hospital for 5-7 days after surgery.
You will be able to stand up and walk independently from the first day after surgery.
After the operation, a 2-week rest period is recommended.
The ureteral stent may cause temporary discomfort in the lower back, which may become worse during urination.
Traces of blood in the urine may be observed in the post-operative period.
Avoid going to the sauna and bath for 4 weeks after surgery.
During this period, no strenuous physical exercise or lifting of weights greater than 5 kg is allowed.

How to prepare for surgery?

When you book an appointment, your doctor will tell you how to prepare and answer all your questions.
Before surgery, you may need to consult an anaesthetist and have several tests, such as blood tests, lung X-rays and an electrocardiogram.
Our surgeon will prescribe the specific tests during your consultation.

Procedure for claiming health insurance

1. Receive the service

Receive medical services at the Baltic Surgery Centre

2. Pay for the service

Pay for the service with your own funds

3. Submit an application

Submit a claim to the insurer, enclosing a receipt for the service

4. Receive a refund

Get a refund credited to your bank account


Schedule an appointment

Book a consultation or surgery with the Baltic Surgery Centre specialists at your convenience.